• Updated database offhab.duckdb with script inst/_import_duckdb.R to re-import in forward compatible duckdb version 1.0.0-1.
  • Fixed oh_blocks to contain latest BOEM wind planning areas (2023-10-06), whereas previously mistakenly only included BOEM wind lease areas (old: 2022-06-30; new: 2023-09-27) due to bug (incorrectly used dplyr::bind_rows() vs correct sf::rbind() to combine layers).
  • more package cleanup for shinyapps.io install
  • Intersected oh_zones with oa_rgns to further differentiate portions of zones with and without bottom trawl models.
  • Updated oh_zones to having two zone_version values for with (2) and without (1) OceanAdapt regions for using and skipping bottom trawl data.
  • Added oa_regions (Ocean Adapt regions) to map limits of interpolated bottom trawl model results.

  • Renamed:

    • data: boem_blocks -> oh_blocks
    • table: boem_blocks -> blocks
  • Added hydrothermal vents (InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields Version 3.4) with data-raw/mdls_ve.R, which for US are only in Northern California (n=3) and Washington/Oregon (n=4) with a 12 km radius zone of influence based on splitting the difference between studies showing biogeographic influence out to 100 km^2 (Haymon et al., 1990) and 200 km^2 (Van Dover et al., 2002) [round(sqrt(mean(c(200,100)))) = 12].

  • Added seamounts (Global Seamount Database) with data-raw/mdls_sm.R, which for US are in Central California (n=3), North Atlantic (n=4), Northern California (n=4), Southern California (n=14), and Washington/Oregon (n=18). Created circles of influence based on area (calculated from major and minor axes of ellipse). All summit depths were greater than 800 m, the third class of biogeographic distinction (Clark et al, 2011).

  • Added productivity (Ocean Productivity from Oregon State) with data-raw/mdls_vg.R for the entire US OffHab study area. Averaged the 12 monthly products using the Vertically Generalized Production Model (VGPM) algorithm (Behrenfeld & Falkowski, 1997a).

  • Fixed missing data from earlier ingestion of bottom trawl (data-raw/mdls_oa.R) when cell_id was not saving raster in format, creating duplicates.

  • Added searching for non-marine taxa with wm_add_aphia_id() and allowance for extra query parameters with wm_rest(), e.g. wm_rest(tbl, fld, operation = "AphiaRecordsByNames", marine_only = F)

  • Added seabird “NCCOS Assessments Modeling At-Sea Density of Marine Birds” for Atlantic and Pacific with data-raw/mdls_nc.R

  • Added zone_id column to oh_zones and block_id column to boem_blocks for integer referencing with rasters
  • Updated documentation for wm_add_aphia_id() (now with Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE) turned on)
  • Renamed oh_map_ply() to oh_map() and added oh_add_ply() to accomodate adding multiple layers of polygons, eg blocks on top of zones.
  • Added oh_map_ply() to map polygons, possibly with divergent midpoint in the color scheme using div_mid argument.

  • Added oh_zones_s1k: simplified version of oh_zones to 1 km for faster rendering of smaller output files

  • Migrated entire AquaMaps DB into dedicated aquamaps postgres database (+ am_pg_con(); for calculating range size of each species) and used cross-database querying to extract subset of cells and species within oh_zones to into offhab postgres database with am_* prefix (see data-raw/aquamaps_db.R).
  • Cleaned up field names to be all lower-case, added table am_meta into database.
  • Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.
  • Created initial R package with prepped spatial data bounds & db con containing functions: get_am_cells_grd(), oh_pg_con(); datasets: am_cells_ply, boem_blocks, oh_zones