Match taxa in the provided field fld of the data frame df to the unique WoRMS identifier (aphia_id) and return df with prepended aphia_id column. Update database tables taxa_wm with full WoRMS taxonomic records and metadata on uniquely matching taxa in database table taxa also using fields tbl_str and fld_str.

  tbl_str = deparse(substitute(df)),
  fld_str = deparse(substitute(fld))



data frame


unquoted field name containing taxonomic field, eg taxa


the source table to be written into the database referenced in taxa.tbl


the source field to be written into the database referenced in taxa.fld


the original data frame df with aphia_id column prepended


Perform the match with the following order of precedence:

  1. Existing match for in the database taxa table

  2. Exact match in WoRMS REST API with wm_rest() having operation="AphiaRecordsByMatchNames"

  3. Fuzzy match in WoRMS REST API with wm_rest() having operation="AphiaRecordsByNames"

With all possible matches made, proceed to:

  1. Prepend the input data frame df with the matched column aphia_id.

  2. Populate taxa table in database with rows containing:

    • tbl: tbl_str

    • fld: fld_str

    • taxa: unique values of fld

    • aphia_id: matching WoRMS identifier, possibly NA if no match found

  3. Fetch full WoRMS records for any new taxa.aphia_ids using wm_rest() with operation="AphiaRecordsByAphiaIDs", and append to taxa_wm table.


if (FALSE) {
tmp_test <- tibble::tribble(
        ~common,                  ~scientific,
  "Minke whale",  "Balaenoptera acutorostrata",
   "Blue whale",  "Balaenoptera musculus")
wm_add_aphia_id(df_test, scientific, tbl_str = "tmp_test")