BOEM Wind Energy Area Block polygons
A spatial features (sf
) data frame with 5,596 features and 24 fields:
unique block identifier (integer)
unique block identifier (character), comprised of v{zone_version}{zone_key}{PROTRACTION_NUMBER}_{BLOCK_NUMBER}
one of either "lease" or "plan" depending on data source
zone version from oh_zones
containing the block
zone id from oh_zones
containing the block
unique zone from oh_zones
containing the block
the BOEM area defined by the roughly 2° longitude by 1° latitude containing up to 1,200 blocks. Computed using the International UTM Zone Numbering system, e.g. NJ is North (N); Lat 36-40° (J); 18 is UTM zone 18; and 02 is the 2nd of 12 possible maps
Each whole block is approximately 3 nautical miles (nm) by 3 nm. For renewable energy purposes only, blocks can be leased down to the 16th of a block.
area of zone in square kilometers
geometry in geographic coordinate system (EPSG: 4326)